Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Sweet Briar's Continuing Miracles are in reality hard work and generous connections


Take a look at this report on Sweet Briar's tremendous year after near closure. As we look back, let us be grateful for those alumnae who were serving on the Board and doing all they could with the circumstances presented to them.   If we were not in their position, we cannot know the terrible choices they were given. We are not worthy owners of recrimination; it is doubtful we would have been as successful as we have this year, without the threat of closure - after all, we were not giving at the levels we have in the last year, nor offering our time and efforts in the same committed way.  We had left a few  alums to serve on the Board, to raise the money and carry Sweet Briar along. I am not alone with deep regrets for the unkind statements and uninformed lashing out that occurred last Spring and summer toward alums who love Sweet Briar as much as we do. It is possible to walk together to the mountain again. We want all sisters of the Rose, all members of the SBC community to join together as we look forward, only forward.

Looking at the reports from last year and the variety of activities so many students engaged in to provide a full experience for each other is just magical.  The magic was fueled by our renewal of ties and re-commitment to SBC - our place in our time, and our place even now.

Enjoy your summer, vacation with pleasure that comes from a job well done for our College!  There is more magic to come!!
